
Devotional Day | A Time To Dance

  Listen, when you’re saved you can find a lesson in anything.  Let me tell y’all…I have been going through it.  And I mean, the type of situation(s) where you don’t see a light at the end of the tunnel and your flashlight just flickered and died kind of thing. So this morning, I’m feeling sick (thanks DMV) so I was preparing hot water for some emergen-c.  I KNOW that I hit 10oz because I wasn’t sure if the (very fitting Da Vinci) mug I was using could even hold 12oz.  It filled to the very tippity tip top and I thought…this world is really trying to break me y’all.  As I made the walk to try and dump out the water, I’ll admit that my first thought was of the scene in The Golden Child when Eddie Murphy has to traverse a room w/ no floor by balancing on giant redwood stumps.   But my second thought was of God.  I was in my own home, walking to the kitchen trying not to spill the water, and yet I was rushing.  I was spilling droplets because I was walking too fast.  Had nowhere to be and